Mozambique is a country filled with warmth of beautiful places, exotic beaches, and sanctuaries for wildlife. The Republic of Mozambique offers almost a complete range of unique to Africa tourism destinations with its charming archipelagos, diverse cultures, unspoiled wilderness, and adventures.
Many travel organizations have issued warning concerning safety issues in some Mozambique’s provinces including Zamberia, Manica, Tete, and Sofala. In any other area of Mozambique, however, the condition is generally safe. The biggest threats include petty theft and robbery, but they should not be major problems as long as you practice basic cautions. Do not leave your belongings unattended in public places; if you have go somewhere on foot, keep your jewelries to minimum. You are in Mozambique to explore the country, see wildlife, and experience the adventures, so there is no need to wear your expensive pearls or Rolex for the sake of flashiness.
Mozambique is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east. It stretches to about 1,500 miles along the coast. South Africa and Swaziland border Mozambique to the south; Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe border it to the north. At about twice the size of California, the general physical features of Mozambique are low-lying plateau broken up by more than two dozens of rivers flowing into the Indian Ocean. The inland is made up of several chains of mountains that form the backbone of the country.
In the eastern coastline of the country, there are miles after miles of natural beauty stretching and offering seemingly unlimited adventures for scuba divers, sailors, fishermen, and the more causal beach lovers. Combine that with Monte Binga which stands at more than 2,400 meters tall, Mozambique delivers an exciting contrast to please all kinds of travelers from all around the world. Let us not forget the existence of multiple national parks in the country, reflecting many years of conservation efforts and preservation of its natural identity. Many forms of arts, cuisines, relics, and architectural styles are also in fact African cultural heritage to be proud of.
Nearly 98% of the entire Mozambique population is comprised of Bantu people. The remaining 2% is made up of Euro-Africans (descendants of Bantu and Portuguese), White Africans (mostly of Portuguese ancestry), and Indians. About 45,000 people of Indian descent live in the country. One of the most interesting facts about the citizens is that most of them can speak more than one language. The official language is Portuguese and it is spoken by more than half of the population. Mozambicans who live in the cities even speak Portuguese as their first language. There are also other language groups such as Swahili and Zulu, but they are not as popular as Portuguese. Some small communities such as Indians, Chinese, and Arabs speak their own native languages.
Almost all parts of the country have tropical climate including its one-and-a-half thousand miles coast. This is especially good for beach tourism in dry season when visitors are craving to get sunbathed and relaxed by the breeze blown by the Indian Ocean. Except for few nights in June and July, the rainfall is not that high to the point where it gets uncomfortable to visit. Even during the evenings, most parts of the Mozambique are generally warm. It also means that during dry season, both temperature and humidity can be quite high particularly in the northern region; the same thing applies to the interior plains. Compared to other parts of the country, the coast has lower rainfall and the temperature is also lower. In the mountainous regions, temperature is cool all year round.
Based on the flowing path of Zambezi River, Mozambique is divided into two major regions: north and south. The north region is dominated by main features such as low plateau’s, narrow coastline, and highlands, while the south has vast lowlands. Niassa Reserve is one of the largest protected areas across the country; it is home to about 16,000 elephants, 12,000 stale antelopes, and the rare African wild dogs.
Mozambique also has more than 200 endemic mammal species including Vincent’s Bush Squirrel and Selous’ Zebra. The African big five: Lion, Elephant, Buffalo, Rhinoceros, and Leopard also found home in Mozambique. They can be spotted in many different national parks across the country. Mozambique has 13 forest reserves, six nature reserves, seven national parks, three wildlife game reserves, and three frontier conservation areas.
Home to more than 700 species of birds, Mozambique is a highly rewarding destination for bird-watching enthusiasts from all around the world. The bad news is that some species still live in highly threatened areas such as Miombo Woodlands and lowland forests.
Some of the most popular species in Mozambique are: African Pitta, Green-headed Oriole, East Coast Akalat, White-chested Alethe, Chestnut-fronted Helmet-Shrike, Olive-headed Weaver, Plain-backed Sunbird, Locust-Finch, Mascarene Martin, Crab-plover, Greater Frigatebird
Mozambique offers seemingly endless natural adventures and excitements to the point where you can spend weeks (if not months) in the country to just get a glimpse of what it can deliver. Some of the most well-known tourist destinations are as follows:
Mozambique is not your average safari destination in Africa. It delivers all you ever want from wildlife safari with its Big Five, hundreds of bird species, endemic archipelago animals, and even Nile Crocodiles. In addition to that, the country is more ecologically diverse than you can imagine with a blend of forests, savannahs, lowlands, highlands, turquoise waters, ancient Baobabs, and sandy beaches. It takes patience to explore Mozambique at its best, but the rewards are greater than expected.
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